The Relationship of Occupational Balance to Life Satisfaction Among Caregivers of Children with Special Needs in Selected Pediatric Rehabilitation Centers in Mandaue City


  • Erika May Guquib Cebu Doctors' University
  • Ma. Gilliane C. Piczon Cebu Doctors' University
  • Katreena A. Villarente Cebu Doctors' University
  • Shanielle Marie T. Villa Cebu Doctors' University
  • Mary Anne G. Delas Peñas Cebu Doctors' University


caregivers, children with special needs, life satisfaction, occupational balance


This study investigated the relationship between the level of occupational balance and life satisfaction level among caregivers of children with special needs in selected pediatric rehabilitation centers in Mandaue City in the year 2021. A total of eighty-one (81) caregivers participated in the study. Two (2) questionnaires were utilized, namely the “Occupational Balance Questionnaire” developed by Håkansson and Wagman (2019) and the “Satisfaction With Life Scale” by Diener et al. (1985). Results showed that the majority of caregivers had a low occupational balance (49, 60.5%) and the minority achieved a high occupational balance (32, 39.5%). Results on “Life satisfaction” levels revealed the highest response for “slightly satisfied” (30, 37.0%). The findings also showed a moderate positive relationship between the level of occupational balance and life satisfaction level (rs=.412). This means that when the level of occupational balance increases, the life satisfaction level also increases. Similarly, as occupational balance decreases, life satisfaction also decreases.


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How to Cite

Guquib, E. M., Piczon, M. G., Villarente, K., Villa, S. M., & Delas Peñas, M. A. (2024). The Relationship of Occupational Balance to Life Satisfaction Among Caregivers of Children with Special Needs in Selected Pediatric Rehabilitation Centers in Mandaue City. Journal of Scientific Investigations, 2(2), 33–41. Retrieved from


