Guide for Authors
JSI is a semi-annual publication of Cebu Doctors’ University, Mandaue City, Cebu, Philippines. Communications should be addressed to
The Editor-in-Chief
Journal of Scientific Investigations
Cebu Doctors’ University
1 Dr. P. V. Larrazabal Jr. Avenue
North Reclamation
6014 Mandaue City
Cebu, Philippines
or by email to
Submission of manuscripts, including all tables and figures, should be made by electronic mail to subject to specific guidelines detailed below.
General Guidelines
Manuscripts for submission to JSI must not have been published nor being considered for publication elsewhere. An electronic manuscript copy in Microsoft Word or RTF format should be submitted by email to Submitted manuscripts will be acknowledged and reviewed for content suitability and adherence to the style guide. If the content is within the journal’s scope and the format is acceptable, it will undergo a double-blind peer review. Complete contact information of the authors must be provided on a separate cover page for the manuscript.